
“With breathtaking disciplinary range, Augsburger interrogates fractals, ancient Norse myths, the eleventh dimension, and the resurrection of Jesus. This theological and scientific tract is, in the end, a profoundly honest quest to fathom an ineffable God.” – David R. Swartz, author of Moral Minority: The Evangelical Left in an Age of Conservatism.

In this penetrating work, on glimpses of God, S.F. Augsburger confronts our agnostic minds with a call to honesty, integrity and humility. The author is to be commended for his diligent study and interpretive insights in disciplines other than traditional theology. As he reviews slice after slice of human thought, the greater reality of Truth stands unaltered. As readers we are made aware that Truth is not something we hold but is the infinite reality that grips us.”- Myron S. Augsburger, theologian, author, and lecturer.

“Augsburger takes us into mysteries of the infinite interacting with the finite. Using art and music as well as current mathematical, philosophical, and theological constructs, he navigates imaginatively through the universe and finds God to be infinitely intimate. In this science/theology synthesis Sam invites us to use his wanderings to begin our own. Ultimately, we are invited into participation with God’s intentions for this world.” – Owen Burkholder, theologian, pastor, and church leader.